Minimise risk.
Maximise reputation.

Solving a critical emerging risk in the education sector.

About Us

"In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same."

Schools and tertiary institutions are known for honesty and integrity, justice and truth.  They care about protecting this reputation and doing what’s right for their staff and students.  So do we.

Cultural, societal and technological changes have created a critical risk for the education industry.  Investigations into complaints, grievances and allegations of misconduct are increasing in volume and complexity at an alarming rate.  Despite have very limited investigation capabilities, educational institutions are regularly dealing with allegations of bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, fraud, corruption, academic integrity, breaches of policy and procedure, and many other complex scenarios.  

These situations demand a specialist response.  A failure to investigate appropriately can put people at risk, have legal ramifications, and ultimately cause irreparable reputational damage.  Investigations need to be efficient, ethical, and effective.  How you investigate really matters.

We help you do it right.  We provide a highly specialised solution to education providers.  We leverage our experience in investigation leadership and education to enhance investigations and risk management in the sector.  We deliver high quality independent investigations, inquiries and reviews as well as tailored professional learning and consulting solutions.

We’re here to minimise risk and maximise reputation.

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Our Services

How you investigate really matters. Here’s how we help you do it right.

Independent Investigations

Independent investigations that are ethical, efficient and effective. Delivered in person or remotely.

Professional Development

Give your community complete confidence in your internal disciplinary investigation processes.


Explore our tailored investigation and risk management consulting solutions.

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