About Us

Tim Sterne

Founding Director

+64 22 099 0791

To find out about Basalt Solutions and what we can deliver for you, take some time to get to know Tim. 

Basalt Solutions emerges from Tim’s distinguished career in the New Zealand Police. He spent almost 12 years there. He was promoted to the rank of Detective Sergeant. Prior to policing he enjoyed a career as a school teacher. 

The broad range of specialist skills he’s developed enables him to provide a premium consulting service to discerning clients. Tim’s clients understand the value of high quality investigations. He has investigated every type of serious crime, managing risk at the highest level. His investigation experience encompasses allegations of misconduct and corruption in the public and private sectors. He has investigated all around New Zealand and has deployed internationally.

Tim is based in New Zealand. He has access to a network of investigation consultants around the world, enabling him to scale his services to meet your needs.

Book a free, confidential consultation with Tim today.

A photograph of Tim Sterne, Founding Director of Basalt Solutions

Specialist Skills, Knowledge, Experience

Tim specialises in managing risk, leading discreet investigations and investigative interviewing. In addition to his experience in criminal investigations, he also has specialist knowledge of the education sector.

His experience in education enables him to bring a deep understanding of the school environment to investigations in this sector. His teaching background also gives him the unique ability to develop your internal investigation capabilities through engaging workshops and ongoing coaching.

Tim grew up in rural New Zealand but is now a city dweller. He understands the dynamics of operating in regional and remote areas as well as urban environments.

Now that you know a bit more about Basalt Solutions, book a free and confidential consultation with Tim.

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