
Managing investigations and the associated risks can be a difficult journey. You need an experienced voice by your side to help you shape your processes and decisions with objectivity.

We provide bespoke consulting solutions for anyone managing the risk of misconduct in their organisation. We specialise in serving the school and tertiary education sectors. Take a look at what we can do for you.

Internal Investigation Reviews

Our clients care about the truth and doing what’s right. If that’s you, you’ll want assurances that your in-house investigations are producing fair outcomes. We provide comprehensive reviews of your internal investigation and risk management procedures. From facilitating investigation debriefs to one-on-one assessments, we will work with you to identify strengths and areas requiring development. Together, we’ll identify the next steps for you and your organisation. This could include our professional development solutions.

Policy and Procedure

To improve decision making and reduce errors in judgement, it’s important to have standard operating procedures. Many education institutions don’t have policies or templates in place to facilitate high quality internal investigations. We can help. We work alongside you to develop investigation and risk management procedures and policies tailored to your organisation. 

On-Demand Advice

No matter how prepared you are, when it comes to investigations and risk management, there will always be scenarios you hadn’t expected. You can avoid costly mistakes and reduce your risk significantly by seeking specialist advice and guidance before things get out of hand. Because of our unique experience and specialisation, we’re able to provide you with on-demand advice you can trust. 

Let’s find a solution that works for you. 

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