Professional Development

For many in the education sector, internal misconduct investigations are conducted by staff with no specialist investigation training.  This quickly creates personal and organisational risk. 

Our unique and innovative workshops provide our clients with a way to improve their internal investigation capabilities.  We focus on interviewing and leadership.  

The science of memory tells us that our episodic memories are incredibly susceptible to contamination.  Interviews have to be conducted legally and ethically.  How you interview really matters if you’re seeking reliable accurate information on which to make factual findings.  

We also know that the planning and decisions of those leading investigations has a significant impact on outcomes.  

Investment in these areas minimises your risk and maximises your reputation.

We know that the most effective way to learn how to investigate and manage risk is to learn from someone who’s been there and done that at the highest levels.  We also know from experience that the best way to learn these skills is in a practical, scenario-based environment.  That’s what participants in our workshops experience.  Check out the options below.

I light hanging in front of a shelf full of books

Investigation Leadership

Learn how to:

Investigative Interviewing

Learn how to:

Let’s talk about what professional development will look like for you!

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